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First Level is the Gospel story in 5 topics. The loving relationship with the Creator – initiated, broken and restored – is emphasized throughout the material.

You may think life begins when you take your first breath after coming out of your mother’s womb. But did you know the Bible says that there is a Creator God who had a plan to create each of us even before we were born? God cares about each person in this world far more than anyone can imagine. God knows you because he created you and that is why you are valuable.

When you first realize that God exists, you may think that you have encountered Him for the first time. But from God’s perspective, it is a “reunion”. This is because God, who has known you since before you were born, has been waiting for you to become aware of His existence even while you were living without any knowledge of Him.

“Reunion” can be described as two people who have known each other but were distanced for a while to meet again and develop a new relationship. This reunion with God can also be a transformative event in your relationship with Him. And this relationship can start a whole new life for you.

The life that begins when you are reunited with God is a life of walking in the confidence of God’s plan and purpose for you that you never knew before. “First Level” will guide you on your journey to reunite with God. Let us learn together about God’s plan and purpose for you.

Note to English Readers:

First Level was written from a Japanese perspective, and this English version is a translation of what is in the Japanese version. Rather than reworking ideas in such a way as to make this material clear to English speakers, we have decided to merely translate the ideas so that you will know what the Japanese readers are seeing. We have included some cultural notes occasionally within the English text only, which are contained in parentheses and marked as “Translation Note:”.